Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Lecturers & Research Assistants

Dr. Priya Kissoon

Ms. Fareena Alladin

Mr. Jessil Moore
Cultural Studies

Mr. Damian Robinson
GIS Technician

Ms. Jewelle Mapp
GIS Technician

Ms. Zakiya Akweli

Monday, 2 February 2015

2015 Contributors

The 2nd generation of students contributing to the Geographies of Food project 

2014 Contributors

A list of the original Geographies of Food class of 2014/2015
Members of the 2014 Geography of Foods class on a Field Trip at Wasamaki Ecosystems.

Design & Layout

Mr. Ryan Seemungal
Graphic Artist

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Special thanks is given to Flaticon.com and Freepik.com who provided iconography for this project.